The Warehouse Transmedia Wrecking Crew are our SFX and VFX bods.
We can do Green Screen, Unreal Engine and other computer wizardry, but we can also cast a severed head out of plaster or rubber, make a squishy blood effect or chop the head off a zombie quicker than you can say Tom Savini.
We can also build an animate a stop motion creature that would make Ray Harryhausen proud, or Wallace lose his trousers.
Our best work is in the two feature films – Markham (2020) and At The Mountains of Madness (2021). Both low budget horrors with creative scares done on a dime. – You can buy both films on DVD here or stream them on Vimeo here and here.
In 2022 our biggest production to date – ‘When the Earth Gives up the Dead‘ will be released – directed by our own non-union, non – health and safety trained, low budget version of John Carpenter – Matthew Cooper. This film is a special effects lovers dream with stop motion SFX and plenty of blood, gore and grew – all done on a modest budget.
Get in touch if you need someone scalping on the cheap.